Roger Hansrote

Roger Hansrote

Managing Principal Architect

MArch, University of Florida

Roger, previously a colleague of Jim Lucas and Rich Leja, has been a staple in the Palm Beach architectural arena. He has held the position of principal architect for several firms and serves as the architect of record for all of the firm’s projects since 2008. Roger’s ability to serve his clients in both a design and technical role make him an incredible asset to ACI Architectural Concepts, Inc.. He is known for his ability to connect with clients and translate their ideas successfully.

Roger Hansrote, RA


Roger Hansrote is one of the firm’s two registered architects and is responsible for signing and sealing all of the drawings. His studies and Master’s degree from the University of Florida, along with his years of experience in the area have translated into a wealth of projects within the Palm Beach area.

He specializes in high end residential construction from project conception through completion and is well versed in zoning and planning. His architectural skills include construction management and building renovations. Roger’s depth of experience and well known presence in Palm Beach has helped the firm maintain and grow relationships with numerous clients.


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